Uncategorized – Power Shift https://powershift.org.ng Raising New Nigerian Leaders Thu, 11 Nov 2021 20:31:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://powershift.org.ng/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/cropped-PowerShift1-1-32x32.jpg Uncategorized – Power Shift https://powershift.org.ng 32 32 #Powershift2023 – Time To Look Towards Young And Capable Candidates. https://powershift.org.ng/powershift2023-time-to-look-towards-young-and-capable-candidates/ https://powershift.org.ng/powershift2023-time-to-look-towards-young-and-capable-candidates/#comments Thu, 11 Nov 2021 20:09:10 +0000 https://powershift.org.ng/?p=822 Good afternoon colleagues, friends, comrades and gentlemen of the press

You are all welcome to this very important press conference which is about the birth of a new movement that seeks the shift of power to young, vibrant and credible individuals in 2023- #Powershift2023.

It is no longer news that our country is in a difficult state, with multiple challenges hitting us on different levels at the same time. The political situation in Nigeria has lingered for years, every four years we look forward to the emergence of new political leaders who will help solve all the socio-economic woes crippling the potentials of this great country since independence. Time after time we have been met with not just disappointment, but the situation in Nigeria seems to be moving from bad to worse.

We believe It is time to think and act differently. Poverty and chaos are man-made, but through human action and ingenuity we can surmount all our problems.

Enugu state’s population and Nigeria at large are young and fast-growing. Our nations demography is predominantly young, ages below 35 making nearly 70% of the population. It cannot be overly stated that young people need a substantial representation across all levels in the country’s political system.

Nigerian youths are vibrant, capable and competent to take over leadership positions and help create a more viable, prosperous and secure socio-economic environment for the state and nation at large. This have been proven in other sectors outside politics.

As 2023 election draws closer, we call on our leaders, different institutions, political parties and all stakeholders to look towards young, competent and credible candidates that will pilot our affairs as a nation. We believe young people could be engaged not just by listening and giving them a voice, but also giving them a chance to do things differently.

Like I said earlier, to ensure effective representation, we need young people about the age of 45 years and younger to participate in the political space as president, governors, senators, reps, house of assembly members and other various political positions. This is not something new, countries like Canada and France just to mention few have over the years proven that engaging the younger generation in government aids productivity, innovation and economic growth.

Let’s not get it wrong, the problem in Nigeria is not age or gender. But the truth still holds that we are not fully harnessing the energy, strength and innovative minds of the young Nigerians which can help move us further and faster as a nation.

We also want to use this opportunity to encourage young people not to lose hope in Nigeria but rather to prepare for leadership positions. ENDSARS movement has come and gone, we have our gains and we’ve learnt our lessons.  Change requires more than just protests and anger. It must be organized around sustainable ideas and ideals. The ENDSARS protest proved the ingenuity of young Nigerians to organize, it showed a potential for comprehensive Democratic change.

We have all it takes to channel the same energy and mental strength into political space. This is time for engagement and participation which will lead to positive actions and more sustainable results.

We call on all young people to get involved, get ready, get their PVCs and prepare to run and support those who run. We have the platforms, the numbers and the influence to move any political position to any desired direction. We should no longer sit back and be spectators but rather, become actors to birthing the new Nigeria of our dream.

In the words of Stacy Abrams, “Democracy only works when we work it, when we fight for it, when we demand for it”.

This is a call, an urgent call to get involved. The 2023 election will carry historic consequences and there is no better time to act than now. History has taught us that we should not only say who we do not want, but also push for who we want because our today and future depends on it.

Powershift movement is here to nominate, prepare and empower young and capable leaders for political positions in Nigeria. This is a movement for good governance in Nigerian. Our goal is to raise awareness, gather allies and unify our voices in other to shift power come 2023 and beyond.

Power Shift aims to achieve great public and political impact necessary to facilitate and accelerate the transformation and growth of Nigeria through raising and maintaining a powerful network of leaders who through creative leadership, will offer solutions to Nigeria’s overwhelming problems.

We believe in the future of Nigerian politics where decisions about our communities are made by community leaders who put the people first.

In the coming days, we shall be activating our networks in the 36 states of the Federation, the FCT and Nigerians in the diaspora. We shall be engaging with the relevant stakeholders to make sure power shifts in 2023.

Once again, we call on all young and capable Nigerians and interested stakeholders to join this movement. To get involved please visit www.powershift.org.ng, Follow us on all social media platforms @#powershiftng for more information.

Official hashtag for this movement is #powershift2023.

Thank you!

Nonso Nnamani
Convener and Author, Power Shift

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